Patient Safety Measures During COVID-19
- Dentist and Clinical staff will wear appropriate safety equipment (changed for every patient):
- surgical gowns
- hair coverings
- goggles
- visors
- FFP3 masks
- Treatment room will constantly be cleaned with a high-power medical air steriliser and purifier.
- Patient’s temperatures are taken with a touchless forehead thermometer.
- Treatment room including surface areas are disinfected between every patient with a product that is virucide/bactericide/fungicide. Following which, a minimum of 10 minutes turnaround time will be respected to air the rooms thoroughly and allow for the effect of these cleaning materials.
- Pre-screening of patients is done over the phone.
- Pre-screening all staff each day.
- Hand sanitizers and shoe covers will be available to patients upon arrival.
- Patients are offered the option of a COVID-19 same day antibody test.
- All staff must wash hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
- Keyboards used by Dr. Germain and staff will be covered with disposable, flexible, clear barrier and changed between patients.
- Staff in the dental room will be kept to a minimum at all times.
- Packages delivered to the office along with dental laboratory work are disinfected and wiped down prior to entering the clean zone. This is particularly important for laboratory work.
- Post-op instructions will include a reminder to report any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 within next 14 days.